Wednesday, November 3, 2010

When caught sleeping @ Work

5 Reasons when boss catches you sleeping at work

1. I was taking a power nap to boost me up for meetings.

2. I have "neural epileptic coronal disorder" and can't sit with straight back for long.

3. I was trying to find out how your face gets wrinkles after lunch.

4. I am Neo and I don't need my eyes open to play with machines.

5. I was trying to hear weird sounds my keyboard starts to make at 2:00pm daily.


Boss's response to the above

Q: I was taking a power nap to boost me up for meetings

A: Then what do you call a similar activity you do all the time in meetings with your eyes close.

Q: I have "neural epileptic coronal disorder" and can't sit with straight back for long.

A: Well, I think you have mental disorders too. Oohh and that explains your behavior as well.

Q: I was trying to find out how your face gets wrinkles after lunch.

A: I hope you had enough common sense to figure out where your salary comes from.

Q: I am Neo and I don't need my eyes open to play with machines.

A: You are my hero! Can you do wonders on power point and make my PPTs.

Q: I was trying to hear weird sounds my keyboard starts to make at 2:00pm daily.

A: You should first hear to the weird smelly sounds your body starts to make at 2:00pm daily.

Friday, October 22, 2010

The Appraisal System

As per Wikitionary, an appraisal means "A judgment or assessment of the value of something, especially a formal one" . But the appraisals in today's corporate world are scrutinizing employees.

 We could extract many words out of APPRAISAL like APP, RAIS and SAL.
  • APP - Appraisals are now more App based where a computer based application determines your hike and your eligibility for promotion. Well take my words guyz, stop working for your manager and start to worship the algo for a better hike next year. Who the hell wants to take down, or defence sites, why not take the appraisal software down. ;-)
  • RAIS - Raise is someting missing from the appraisal cycle and these days. And during the discussion employee is treated as if he is a pet of the mighty, who is doing favor by paying him.
  • SAL - Well we all know about our salaries most of which we can't even smell (car loans and home mortgages).
Here is a cartoon strip on Appraisal discussion.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The IT Couple

For those of you thinking that IT is the most happening industry and finding a girl of choice is easy, I would have to ask you to reconsider your stand ;-)